They may not be the kinds of industrial companies that bring out the governor, but new businesses are poppin up in Cornelius. A European style massage and beauty center, a used car dealer and a Mexican Restaurant are among the new businesses which have selected Cornelius as their new home, further evidence of a growing population.
Bel Corpo European Beauty Prevage: Their new Lake Norman location is at 17036 Kenton Place, Suite 103. It offers a wide array of services including face and body contour, ultimate European Total Sculpture, Rejuvenation Lipo-Cavitation, Radio Frequency and Laser Lipo.
Owner Jannice Muhr says she selected the Cornelius spot because nearly 30 percent of the customers at her original location in the Ballantyne section of Charlotte, which she opened in 2008, come from the Lake Norman area. Phone 704-997-5773.
El Toro Mexican Restaurant: This eatery recently opened in the Shops on the Green, at 20903 Torrence Chapel Road. Owners Kathy O’Reilly and Miguel Santoyo had previously opened an eatery in Locust NC, but were drawn to Cornelius for their second facility by the community’s small town feel and attraction. O’Reilly says all ingredients are fresh and the chips are made every day on the premises. Phone 704-997-2534.
Exit 28 Automobiles: This high-end used-car dealership will be opening soon at 19409 Statesville Road in the lot where Ron Shue had his used car lot for many years. New owner Pierre Boursse has completely renovated the building adjacent to the lot and he plans to offer both domestic and foreign cars for sale. Boursee is relocating his business from Mooresville to this “highly visible” location and he plans to work closely with potential buyers explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each car on the lot. Phone 704-202-6500.