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Cornelius News

Median number of new NC coronavirus cases creeps up, past week vs. past month

The state’s median number of new cases since Aug. 24 is 1,244; the median over the past 7 days is slightly higher, or 1,274

Sept. 24. By Dave Yochum. The NC Dept. of Health and Human Services reported 1,688 new cases of COVID-19 statewide, up from 952 yesterday and 1,168 new cases Tuesday.

The median number of new cases statewide during the past seven days is now running 2.4 percent above the median number of new cases over the past 31 days, based on data collected by Johns Hopkins University. The state’s median number of new cases from Aug. 24 through yesterday is 1,244, but the median over the past seven days is slightly higher, at 1,274.

There were also 40 new coronavirus-related deaths in today’s noon report from the NCDHHS. Since state officials began tracking the outbreak in March, there have been 3,356 deaths due to COVID-19 across the state.


The NCDHHS today reported 902 people hospitalized statewide due to COVID-19, down from 912 yesterday. It’s a decline from Sept. 1 when 946 people were hospitalized.


Positive tests are coming back at the rate of 4.8 percent, a decline from more than 5 percent earlier in the week. The total number of people tested in North Carolina is now more than 2.87 million. The rate of positive testing was 6.7 percent on Sept. 1.

State officials want positive test results to be below 5 percent and trend down from there.

State public health officials track coronavirus spread through four main metrics: Number of new cases, percentage of people who test positive, hospitalizations and deaths, the latter two being trailing indicators.


The NCDHHS reports 116 new cases in Mecklenburg County, the largest increase in almost two weeks. The median number of new cases over the past week is running 3.8 percent below the median number of daily new cases during the past month.

The total number of deaths countywide, according to NCDHHS, is now at 345, up two from yesterday.

Mecklenburg coronavirus tests are coming back positive at the rate of 4.1 percent, down from 6.5 percent on Sept. 1. (See chart below)

Mecklenburg accounts for a running average of 7.6 percent of North Carolina’s new confirmed cases over the past week, based on data from Johns Hopkins.

North Mecklenburg

Cornelius: 2 new cases, total 510. No new deaths in 2+ months.

Davidson: 3 new cases, total 295. No new deaths in 6+ weeks.

Huntersville: 8 new cases, total 920. No new deaths in 4 days.