A sign posted on Sunday at the Confederate Monument on Zion Avenue in Cornelius
June 1. Mayor Woody Washam, Police Chief Kevin Black and Town Manager Andrew Grant issued the following statement at 6 pm Saturday in the wake of demonstrations nationwide protesting the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis:
This week our nation witnessed the tragic loss of the life of Mr. George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN. The circumstances surrounding his death are very disturbing to police officers across our great nation. The actions of those responsible and the lack of action from those officers who witnessed the incident are not conducive to moral, ethical, and professional standards police officers are responsible for upholding.

We commend the actions of Chief Medaria Arradondo of the Minneapolis Police Department and support its decision to terminate the officers involved in this case. We trust the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension will work cooperatively to conduct a complete investigation and bring justice for the family of Mr. Floyd.
The Cornelius Police Department is a community policing driven department that works very hard to foster and maintain relationships in all the communities we serve. It is unfortunate that the actions of a few, can deteriorate what so many have worked hard to achieve. We stand committed and will continue to work together with our community leaders as we navigate through this difficult time.

Law enforcement officers take an oath to protect and serve all members of the community. In order to adhere to these guidelines, we must treat people with kindness, compassion and understanding. When officers stray from this oath we must hold them accountable for their actions.
We extend our sympathy to the Floyd Family for their loss and we pray for comfort during this difficult time.
—Mayor Woody Washam
—Chief Kevin Black
—Town Manager Andrew Grant