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Cornelius News

Lyngbya survey begins next week; residents can help

Lyngbya in lake adjacent to the 18th hole at The Peninsula Club

March 18. The Lake Norman Marine Commission in partnership with the NC State Aquatic Plant Management Program will begin surveying Lake Norman the week of March 25 for Lyngbya cyanobacteria, the unsightly blue-green algae that wreaks havoc with boaters and swimmers.

People can report its presence to help create an effective treatment plan.

To do so, click here or use this QR code to report suspicious plant growth along your shoreline.

Even if Lyngbya has not yet appeared this year, report where it appeared last year.

Bob Menzel and Bob Watson, Peninsula residents who helped organize the charge against Lyngbya, said reporting now is critical to success in eradicating the growth.

Treatments are scheduled to begin in mid-April.