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Cornelius News

Community School student gets Hope Paige scholarship

Community School student Lucia Coppola gets Hope Paige scholarship

Lucia Coppola, an 18-year-old from Cornelius who will graduate from Community School of Davidson this spring, has been awarded one of only five $5,000 Hope Paige HERB It Forward scholarships because of her “exemplary commitment to paying it forward.”

Lucia has Von Willebrand disease, a bleeding disorder.  She was diagnosed about a year ago when a ruptured cyst caused unusual hemorrhaging.  She has Type 1, Von Willebrand disease, which means her blood contains too little of one of the key factors which causes blood to clot. Her mom and dad are Mary and Stephen Coppola. The family lives on Summerbrook Drive on the edge of Davidson.

Their relationship with Hope Paige started when Lucia got a medical alert necklace from Hope Paige. Her condition has not slowed her down much. “It is not that big a deal to me,” she says, “so it’s not a big deal to others.”

Always interested in social service—her late grandmother was a dedicated social worker—Lucia started a Homeless Outreach club at school and volunteered in a variety of shelters.  She liked the shelter for victims of domestic violence the best because, as she says, “clients come to the shelter at their lowest points, and are surrounded by so much hope as they begin the process of healing and rebuilding their lives.”

Lucia will attend the UNC-Wilmington in the fall.  She plans to do her undergraduate in business administration and then get a masters degree in social work.  Her eventual aim is to work in a shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and ultimately, to be the director of a shelter.

The Hope Paige organization says the scholarship was created to reward “committed and enthusiastic” young adults who have the desire and drive to make a difference. “The ‘HERB it Forward’ Scholarship was created to educate those future leaders who will continue to pay it forward,” says Shelly Fisher, CEO of Hope Paige Medical.

Only five students around the country earned  $5,000 scholarships.  Others received $500 and $1000 scholarships.