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LKN Community Health Clinic fundraiser under way

July 31. ​To commemorate ​its​​ 1​9​th anniversary​, t​he Lake Norman Community Health Clinic ​is holding a fundraiser ​that ​plays off its founding in 1998.​ ​The clinic is looking for 98 donors to contribute $98​ each. The goal​, according to Lynn McRae, ​d​evelopment ​d​irector​, is to raise
$9​,​600 by Sept​.​ 4​.

T​he clinic, ​founded by Dr. David Cook of Lakeside Family Physicians​, has helped uninsured Lake Norman area citizens get necessary medical services for little to no cost. The clinic’s humble origins date back to​ 1​​998. That year​​,​ Cook began seeing four to five uninsured patients on Wednesday nights in the back of a grocery store for no cost. This soon ballooned to 20-30 patients per evening, catching the eye of multiple local churches.

First Baptist Church of Huntersville, Davidson United Methodist Church, St. Mark Catholic Church​ ​and Meadowlake Presbyterian Church​ were​ early partners. The clinic’s opening night Sept​.​ 4, 2001 attracted over 100 patients.

​Today, the clinic is the oldest and largest medical provider serving the uninsured in North Mecklenburg and South Iredell counties.​

The clinic’s mission is critical, as patients who don’t qualify for Affordable Care Act subsidies or Medicaid comprise ​roughly 14​ percent​ of the Lake Norman community. Patients are asked to donate $15 to offset expenses, but are never turned away if they can’t pay.

​Located at 14230 Hunters Road in Huntersville, tThe clinic is open five days a week with an evening clinic on Wednesdays. LNCHC focuses on prevention and treatment of disease and managing healthy outcomes for approximately 1​,​500 patients yearly, leveraging partnerships with Novant Health, Carolinas Healthcare System and local physicians to provide continuity of care.

M​ore info: ​Lynn McRae 704-316-6611 or email at lmcrae@lnchc.org