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Cornelius News

Landmark home comes down in plan for 12 new homes

Oct. 12. By Dave Vieser. Plans for new houses which would replace a stately home on Smith Circle in Cornelius were placed on hold again by the Planning Board at the Oct. 10 meeting when the applicant did not show up for the required public hearing.

Steve Terpak is proposing 12 single-family homes on 3.9 acres at 19438 Smith Circle not far from Cornelius Elementary School.

Terpak had previously said the proposed two-story homes, ranging from 2,500 to 3,500 square feet, would sell in the mid-400s. All lots will front on a new internal public street, with two driveway access points off of Smith Circle. The project calls for a density of 3.5 units per acre.

Prior to the hearing, Senior Town Planner Aaron Tucker explained why this project has been stalled since last year:

“This application was originally scheduled to be heard in December of 2021, but the new Town Board adopted a Growth Management Task Force Resolution which said they would not be approving any development with more than 10 lots until the task force evaluated Land Use Plan recommendations.”

Tucker said the applicant asked for an exception since his project was only two lots larger than the 10-lot limit.

The application was tabled until the Nov. 14 Planning Board meeting.