July 28. Gov. Roy Cooper has issued Executive Order 153 stopping the sale of alcoholic drinks in restaurants, breweries, wineries, and distilleries at 11 pm effective this Friday. North Carolina bars that are currently closed will remain closed.
“Slowing the spread of this virus requires targeted strategies that help lower the risk of transmission,” Cooper said. The order over-rides Cornelius and Huntersville, which opted out of Mecklenburg County restrictions imposed last week on late-night alcohol sales.
To read the Executive Order, click here.
Regardless of county or town, North Carolina restaurants that serve alcohol will only be able to offer takeout and delivery after 11 pm.
“This will be particularly important as colleges and universities are scheduled to start, bringing people all over the country to our state. We have seen case numbers increase among younger people, and prevention is critical to slowing the spread of the virus.”
The order will not apply to grocery stores, convenience stores or other entities permitted to sell alcohol for off-premises consumption. Local governments that have implemented orders that end alcohol sales before 11 pm or that apply to other entities remain in effect.
NCDHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen said that while North Carolina’s numbers appear to be stabilizing, officials need more time to watch the data and current levels of cases and hospitalizations remain high.
“Seeing glimmers of potential progress does not mean we can let up,” she said. “It means it’s time to double down,” she said.
“The positive signs in our trends should only strengthen our resolve to keep at it with those 3 Ws – wear a face covering, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands often,” she said.