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Cornelius News

Go jump in the lake, starting Saturday

A day at the beach 11 am


May 20. By Dave Vieser. Ramsey Creek Beach officially opens this Saturday, complete with shuttle bus service for the Memorial Day holiday weekend.  In a dramatic change from when the beach opened three years ago, officials are cutting back shuttle service to holiday weekends.

The beach, with lifeguards on duty, opens at 10 am. County residents pay $5 per car to enter. Walk-ins 14 and older are $5; children 6-13 are $3; and under 6 are free. Park-goers heading to the dog park with dogs in tow are free.

Beach traffic during the first year of operation infuriated nearby residents; last year, not so much.

Greg Clemmer, Mecklenburg Parks Operations District Director, spoke at the Cornelius Town Board meeting last night. He said existing parking facilities are sufficient to handle anticipated crowds during weekdays and non-holiday weekends.

“We’re also reducing the use of off-duty police officers at the beach, once again reflecting the lower attendance we saw last summer,” Clemmer said.

When the beach first opened three summers ago crowds filled the beach as well as Nantz Road. Daily shuttle bus service was added. Now, with the novelty gone and reduced attendance, officials are confident that the reduced shuttle plan will handle beach-goers.

In a response to a question raised by Mayor Pro Tem Michael Militch, the county officials also feel they have sufficient shelter in the existing buildings at the park to protect visitors in case of a sudden summer storm.​ In some cases, shuttle buses were used as shelters from summer storms.​

“We watch the weather radar very carefully​,​ and we are prepared to protect our guests if need be​,” he said, explaining there are adequate shelters on site.

Beach hours are 10 am to 7:30 pm this weekend through Labor Day.

More info: https://www.mecknc.gov/ParkandRec/Parks/ParksByRegion/NorthRegion/Pages/RamseyCreek.aspx

​North Meck Rec Center is happening

​Clearing for the North Mecklenburg Recreation Center on H​wy.​ 115 near the Energy United building should begin this fall with construction to be completed in 2021. “At over 80,000 square feet, this is going to be the largest facility under our jurisdiction when it opens​,​” Clemmer said.