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Cornelius News

Fireworks cancelled

June 18. The Peninsula Club’s long-time tradition of a spectacular fireworks display set off near the first tee has been cancelled.

In years past, club members  and thousands of others would gather near the golf course for the pyrotechnics.

The fireworks have become a town tradition, so much so that the town itself for many years hasn’t planned Fourth of July activities because who can compete?

Many towns nationwide are cancelling fireworks displays over concern about spreading the new coronavirus. Social distancing and limiting the size of a crowd would be difficult, if not impossible, at a fireworks display.

Virtual celebration

Meanwhile, the Town of Cornelius PARC Department and Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists will hold a virtual “Patriotic Celebration” on Friday, June 26, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

The community can tune in from the safety and comfort of their own living rooms or outdoor living areas for an evening of patriotic music from country music performer Rockie Lynne. Cornelius PARC will be live-streaming this performance through the Town of Cornelius Facebook page, Cornelius PARC Facebook page and the Town of Cornelius YouTube channel.
The evening begins at 5 pm with food and beverage pick-up at D9 Brewing, located at 11138 Treynorth Drive in Cornelius. Food will be available from the Worthy Dog food truck. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists. More info: www.cornelius.org/parc

Trump National cancels fireworks

Meanwhile, Trump National Golf Club Charlotte, located lakeside in Mooresville, will not have a July 4 fireworks display this year because the club could not obtain a permit in the pandemic. Social distancing was the concern.

The Peninsula Club re-opened today after closing several days for a deep clean when several members tested positive for COVID-19.