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Final town budget public hearing scheduled for June 15

June 3. By Dave Vieser. Cornelius Mayor Woody Washam has released the schedule for adopting the town’s proposed 2021 budget.

The next public hearing will be Monday, June 15, and the budget will be adopted on Thursday, June 18. Both meetings will be in-person sessions at Town Hall with a Livestream option. Physical distancing will be implemented on the dais for the governing body and staff. The public will not be allowed to sit or gather in the chamber.

The $24.3 million spending plan would freeze town taxes, while providing funds to begin the transition of the town fire department to a paid operation.

In-person public comments will be permitted at either session, but with the following precautions:

—One speaker at a time will be invited into the chamber.- Those waiting to speak must do so in the lobby.

—All are encouraged to practice the 3 W’s upon entering Town Hall: Wear a mask; Wash your hands; Wait 6 feet apart.

Additional precautions may be taken upon entry, including a health screening questionnaire and touchless temperature check.

Public comments may be submitted via email to TownofCornelius@Cornelius.org.

The budget can be viewed on the town website: www.cornelius.org. Connect to the link Town of Cornelius: 2020-2021 Proposed Budget. The town is in the process of starting a phased reopening during June, after being closed for nearly three months due to the coronavirus.