March 7. By Dave Vieser. One-Stop Voting, also known as early voting, has started in Mecklenburg County, with Cornelius Town Hall open for voters through this Saturday, March 12. Registered voters can cast their ballots on a wide range of candidates and issues, from presidential candidates to the statewide Connect NC bond issue. Also, for the first time, most voters will be required to show a photo ID.
Town Hall, and other locations, will be open for voting from 10 am to 7 pm weekdays through Friday, and 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday. The actual Primary Day is Tuesday March 15.
Election officials urge voters to use the early voting hours to avoid potentially long waiting lines on March 15, when polls will be open statewide from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm.
- President/Governor/House and Senate Primaries: Republicans can vote in the GOP primaries; Democrats in the Democratic contests and unaffiliated voters can vote in either primary. However, unaffiliated voters can only vote in one of the two primaries.
- Bond Issue: The first major statewide bond referendum in 15 years, known as ‘Connect NC’ would pay for infrastructure projects in 76 counties. Included is $9 million for improvements at Central Piedmont Community College and $90 million for a new Life/Sciences Building at UNC Charlotte.
- Judges: A number of candidates for district judge and Superior Court judge are on the ballot statewide.
- Congressional candidates: The courts have thrown out the congressional districts used in the two previous elections. Lawmakers passed a new map and set June 7 for a new congressional primary. However the old districts and candidates are still on the early voting ballot. Though the votes won’t count, elections officials are urging people to vote anyway to avoid confusion.
Additional information is available by calling Mecklenburg County Board of Elections at 704-336-2133