Trash continued to pile up over the weekend where dumpsters were removed and not replaced as the town switched waste service companies
July 13. By Dave Vieser. The conversion of waste removal services from Republic to Waste Pro began smoothly July 1 but hit several snags in the second week, when Dumpsters were removed by the former carter and not replaced, causing bags of garbage to pile up.
As of Sunday some of the Dumpsters still had not been replaced, even though town officials were hoping to get all the new containers installed before the weekend began.
The size and shape of the new containers has also raised complaints from some residents. The replacement snafu appeared to be a communication breakdown.
“Waste Pro and Republic had allegedly discussed a plan to work together throughout the removal of the dumpsters, so that once a Republic dumpster was removed a Waste Pro dumpster would be installed instead,” said Tyler Beardsley, assistant town manager.
Unfortunately, that communication did not happen, Beardsley said. Once the town started getting notified of containers being removed they were already behind schedule in getting them replaced. The removals started earlier last week; some of the containers were replaced Thursday And Friday by Waste Pro.
Some of the new containers are shorter and wider, but according to Waste Pro, all are eight cubic yards, the size they were previously, according to Beardsley.
Missed pick-ups or damaged carts should be reported to Waste Pro at 704-317-2980 or online via Waste Pro’s TracEZ Portal.