Aug. 18. Cornelius staff have recommended an additional public hearing earlier in the towns conditional zoning review process. Now it’s up to the elected commissioners to decide if they agree. The issue headlines the agenda at Monday’s August 21 Town Board Meeting.
Under the current procedure, the required town board public hearing comes at the very end of the process. The new hearing would be held after the applicant completes the required community meeting, which is near the start of the review process.
“This additional hearing will allow for public input,” said Planning Director Wayne Herron. “However, no additional time will be added to the current conditional zoning process and no additional advertising costs will be incurred.”
The town staff had considered several options, including having a public hearing once an application has been filed, or having the town conduct quarterly public hearings on new applications. In the end, however, adding the public hearing after the community meeting was the favored option.
Also at Monday’s meeting the town board is expected to modify the towns law on campaign signs so that the town law is the same as state law. The meeting begins at 7 pm in Town Hall on Catawba Avenue.