Oct. 15. The Davidson Public Art Commission announced the launch of a new banner project. The project will line the main corridor to and through town with a variety of banners illustrating key ingredients of strong communities and our best selves: Respect, empathy, justice, equality, equity, love, belonging, inclusion, unity, peace, and understanding.
Artists of all ages who are North Carolina residents with an affiliation with either the town or Davidson College (past or present) are invited to make the theme come alive through the creation of images that can ultimately be printed on 20” x 45.5” banners for public insight and enjoyment. Artist submission requirements and further details about the project may be viewed here.
The deadline for artwork submission is December 1. The Davidson Public Art Commission, as well as outside jurors, will review the applications. Artists who are selected will be notified by December 18.
Banners will be displayed on light poles along Griffith and Main Streets in Davidson beginning in early 2021 and remaining on view for up to one year.
To submit an application, see: www.townofdavidson.org/publicartbanners.