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CPD officers to be honored at town board

Lt. Quattlebaum

Lt. Quattlebaum

At their Monday March 21 meeting, Cornelius commissioners will begin by honoring Cornelius Police Dept. officers for their actions at the scene of a domestic incident May 5, 2015. During the incident, a 16-year-old allegedly shot Lt. James M. Quattlebaum who had responded to a home on Coachman’s Trace during an argument. Numerous officers also responded including Jeffery Heinz, who returned fire, striking Ferrell. Heinz was ultimately able to subdue and arrest the suspect. Lt. Quattlebaum will receive a Purple Heart for sustaining a life threatening injury in the line of duty. He has since recovered from the injuries sustained during the incident. Heinz and several other officers will also be honored Monday evening. The town board meeting begins at 7 pm, in Town Hall on Catawba Avenue.