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Cornelius News

COVID-19 update May 18

May 18. The NC Dept. of Health & Human Services today reported 622 new COVID-19 cases statewide, and 20 new deaths since Monday attributable to the coronavirus. Huntersville had another new death, the second in two days.


Statewide, hospitalizations fell again, to 820—down from 1,096 on April 19 and 3,479 on Jan. 2 of this year.


The statewide positive test rate was at 5 percent percent in today’s report vs. 15.5 percent on Jan. 2. Mecklenburg County was at 4.7 percent in today’s report, vs. 12 percent on Jan. 2.


53 new cases from yesterday to today; 4 new deaths.

North Mecklenburg (change from Monday to today)

Cornelius: 0 new cases, 2,860 cumulative; 25 deaths total.

Davidson: 0 new cases, 1,677 cumulative; 15 deaths total.

Huntersville: 3 new cases, 5,983 cumulative; 52 deaths total.