Using Johns Hopkins University’s data, Cornelius Today compiled a chart of North Carolina’s new confirmed COVID-19 from July 4 through August 3. The state’s median number of cases since July 4 is 1,849. The state’s median over the past seven days is lower at 1,766.
Aug. 4. Dave Yochum. More than 128,000 people in North Carolina have tested positive for the coronavirus and now more than 2,000 have died, according to state health officials.
The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services at lunchtime today reported 1,629 new cases of the virus, up from 1,313 new cases yesterday. There was an all-time high of 2,344 new cases reported Thursday last week.
Nevertheless, the state’s median number of cases during the month following July 4 is 1,849. But over the past seven days it is running 4.5 percent lower at 1,766 new cases per day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
Officials reported an additional 28 deaths today, up from 13 new deaths yesterday. On July 5 there were only 1,396 deaths due to COVID-19 statewide.
More than 1.85 million coronavirus tests have been completed in North Carolina as of today’s report from the NCDHHS. Tests are coming back 7 percent positive statewide; in Mecklenburg, 9 percent are coming back positive. A positive rate of less than 5 percent of less for two weeks is an indication the virus is under control.
More than 105,000 people in North Carolina are presumed recovered from COVID-19. The health department releases recovery data each Monday.
Hospitalizations climb again statewide
The state reported that 1,166 people were hospitalized with COVID-19 in North Carolina on Tuesday, up from 1,057 Monday. On July 5, 949 people were hospitalized in North Carolina due to COVID-19, but one week ago hospitalization numbers were much higher, 1,244 statewide July 28.
Monday, however, was the first time since July 19 daily reported hospitalizations fell below 1,100.
Mecklenburg trends improving
Deaths due to COVID-19 rose by four from yesterday to today, for a total of 216 in Mecklenburg County since the outbreak began in March.
But the rate of new cases over the past week is down 28 percent from the past month, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
Over the past seven days, Mecklenburg has averaged about 12.5 percent of the state’s new confirmed cases per day, having been as high as 17 percent in mid July.
North Meck
In Cornelius, there were three new cases reported by the NCDHHS, for a total of 353. That’s up 23 or 7 percent from one week ago.
In Davidson, there was one new case reported, for a total of 196 since the outbreak began. One week ago there were 171 cases in Davidson, showing an increase of 14.5 percent.
In Huntersville, there were five new cases reported, for a total of 592 since mid-March. That’s up 12.7 percent from one week ago.