Courtesy Mecklenburg County
April 13. By Dave Yochum. Mecklenburg County is hosting another Property Tax Resource Fair on Saturday for any resident needing information or assistance related to the revaluation.
This coming Monday, April 17, is the last day to request an Informal Review, and June 9 is the final day to file a Formal Appeal.
Despite strong increases in property values there is far less controversy around the 2023 reval than in previous years.
Mecklenburg County reappraised all property as of Jan.1, as required by NC law. New values were mailed to all property owners and posted online.
Go to your own online property to file an appeal.
Learn more
The resource fair will be 9 – 11 am Saturday, April 15, at Eastway Regional Recreation Center, 3150 Eastway Park Drive.
County staff will help answer questions about new values and options for property tax relief. More information about the fair is available online.
County property owners with questions or concerns related to their new values can also contact the Tax Assessor’s Office via phone at 980-314-4226 or email AssessorQuestions@MeckNC.gov. Additional information is available online on the Tax Assessor’s website.
This is a drop-in event and all are welcome.
—An Informal Review allows a property owner and assessor to review the notification together and correct any errors without having to file a Formal Appeal. An Informal Review can result in a change of value. Instructions to request an Informal Review are on the assessment notice, or owners can visit Reval.MeckNC.gov, look up their property, and click on the “Informal Review” button to file the request.
The final day to request an Informal Review is Monday, April 17.
—A Formal Appeal is reviewed by the Board of Equalization and Review (BER), a board of citizen volunteers that hears appeals on assessed values and determines if any changes are warranted. Appeal forms are available at the County Assessor’s office and online at Reval.MeckNC.gov.
The final day to file a Formal Appeal is June 9. The Board of Equalization and Review will meet beginning April 24 until all Formal Appeals are addressed.