June 6. The Cornelius Youth Orchestras will be holding membership open houses for the 2016-2017 concert season on June 14 and 28, July 19 and August 2. The community orchestra is open to all youth musicians with one or more years of music instruction and is intended for those musicians who can perform medium-easy to concert-level musical compositions.
Cornelius Youth Orchestras offers a fun and exciting full-orchestra program that enhances children’s musical education with challenging compositions. CYO is accepting new musicians in first through twelfth grades who play string, brass, woodwind, piano or percussion instruments.
Director William “Bill” Haraden will be instructing the orchestra in all genres of music education including classical, Broadway, movie themes, pop and jazz. CYO is planning four concerts this season, including a fall Halloween concert in October, a holiday concert in December, and winter and spring concert events. The low program fee includes all music and materials, music instruction, concerts and receptions. Financial aid is available.
New member rehearsal and orientation will be held August 23, and full rehearsals begin August 30.
Students should bring their instruments to the open house events, which will begin at 6 p.m. in the orchestra room at Bailey Road Recreation Center. Potential new members can stay for the rehearsals afterwards from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the band room. RSVP to Program Director Nanette Haraden at 704-576-7270.
More information is available at www.corneliusyouthorchestras.com.