By Dave Vieser. Back in 1969, there was a hit song recorded by the Friends of Distinction, called “Going in Circles.” Cornelius motorists may want to dig up a copy and put it on their iPhones for musical background as they navigate no less than seven traffic circles which are slated to be built in town within the next several years.
Traffic circles have proven to be safer than regular signalized intersections, and the estimated $36 million cost will be paid for by the state. However, their installation on heavily used roads will be a big change for local drivers.
Here’s what’s currently planned for Cornelius, starting with those to be built on existing thoroughfares:
1. Twin circles at US 21 and Catawba Avenue: This was hotly debated but the NCDOT finally decided to construct two circles. One will be on 21 (Statesville Road) near the entrance to the Lucky Dog Bar south of Catawba, while the other will be north of Catawba near the old Days Inn site. Left turns off of Catawba Avenue onto 21 (Westbound going North, and Eastbound going South) will be eliminated. You’ll have to turn right, use the circle, and then head towards your destination.
Construction Cost $9.3 million
Estimated Construction Start Date Spring 2021
Estimated Construction Duration 2 years.
2. Torrence Chapel Road/Liverpool Parkway: Three separate circles are planned: One will be at the entrance to the Fresh Market/Stein Mart shopping center, a second at the intersection of Knox Road and Torrence Chapel Road, and the third will be south of Catawba at the intersection of Liverpool Parkway and Chartwell Center Drive, next to the Cornelius Post Office.
Construction Cost $11.8 million
Estimated Construction Start Date Spring 2021
Estimated Construction Duration 2 years
3. NC 115/North Main and Potts Road: This traffic circle will be on the border with Davidson and will eliminate the left turns on 115 whereturning motorists often create congestion.
Construction Cost $3.4 million
Estimated Construction Start Date Spring 202
Estimated Construction Duration 2 years
4. Northcross Drive extension and Westmoreland Road: Northcross Drive is to be extended northward from Huntersville, terminating at Westmoreland Road near Eagle Way Drive in a new traffic circle.
Construction cost $11.7 million
Estimated Construction Start Date Spring 2021
Estimated Construction Duration 2 years
But, wait, there’s more. NCDOT is considering a roundabout at the intersection of a new Bailey Road Extension, the existing Bailey Roadd and Poole Place Drive, though a final decision has not yet been made.
Whether economic conditions generated by the coronavirus pandemic impact the timetable remains to be seen. For more information on traffic circles, visit: