36-acre site on the north side of Bailey, just east of Hwy. 115
May 8. By Dave Vieser. A commercial center comprised of five flex buildings across from Bailey Park faces a tough review as it continues its journey through the Cornelius approval process.
Neighbors have already voiced opposition and just last week, a key member of the Town Board indicated he will not support the request at this time.
Charlotte-based GGW Flex Holdings seeks to amend the rural preservation zoning on the 36.18 acres of undeveloped property or the north side of Bailey just east of Hwy.115.
The 203,000 square foot “Cornelius Commerce Center” appears to have some significant obstacles:

—Commissioner Denis Bilodeau has revealed that he will not support the proposal. “I met with the developer last week and advised I will be voting against the project. In my opinion the overwhelming feedback from citizens is that it is not a good fit at this time,” he said.
—Residents’ feedback: the feedback Bilodeau referred to was articulated by residents, some from the Baileys Glen development at a Town Board meeting in April. They are concerned about additional traffic on Bailey Road which is also the main route to Hough High School, Bailey Middle and Bailey Park. Concern was also expressed about the impact the added traffic would have on the Bailey Road/Hwy. 115 intersection.
The proposal is on the Planning Board agenda Monday May 8.
However, on April 28, the applicant submitted a new site plan according to senior town planner Aaron Tucker. “Our Planning Staff does not have a report and/or a formal recommendation for the Planning Board’s May 8 meeting in light of the date this new site plan was submitted to the Town,” he said.
This leaves the Planning Board with options when they convene the meeting on Monday May 8:
1. Open the item and then continue it to a future date after the town staff site plan review is completed.
2. Take comments from those who wish to speak, and then continue the item to a future date after the town staff review is completed.
Pursuant to town regulations, the Planning Board will have to make a final recommendation on the proposal before the rezoning request moves to the Town Board for the required public hearing.
Tonight’s meeting begins at 6:30 pm in Town Hall on Catawba Avenue.

Elevations of proposed Cornelius Commerce Center