Feb. 1. A “Continuing Conversation” designed to promote and foster digital community conversation and storytelling beyond the scope of Black History Month gets under way Wednesday, thanks to the Town of Davidson and Maurice J. Norman, Davidson College’s first Digital Projects Fellow.
Eugene Bradley, the town’s Affordable Housing and Equity Director, said he’s excited about the initiative to listen and learn about Davidson’s history through individuals.
“Celebrating Black History is celebrating American History with an understanding that they are not separate but connected,” he said.
Pieces of a puzzle
Mayor Rusty Knox said the “Continuing Conversation” is another step towards building community dialogue around racial inequities of the past.

The Town also hired a new Equity and Inclusion Director, another “piece of this puzzle,” Knox said.
“Engaging in a constructive dialogue where we are talking to folks instead of at them will go a long way it what all of our goals are in moving forward,” Knox said.
Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 3, those interested in learning more about highlighted Davidson community members and business owners, can join the conversation here.
“I believe it is important to understand our community’s history and be able to connect with both that history and also with one another in a meaningful way,” Bradley says.
More info: Carmen Clemsic at cclemsic@townofdavidson.org.
In Cornelius the town is observing Black History Month with an exhibit of paintings by Bryan Wilson. For more information, including hours, click here.