Dec.1 At their Monday night meeting, Cornelius commissioners unanimously approved (4-0) the rezoning of a 1.2 acre parcel adjacent to Bailey’s Glen from Rural Preservation (RP) to Neighborhood Residential-Conditional District (NR-CD).
The Bailey’s Glen HOA had requested a facility somewhere on site which could be used as a woodworking and craft shop, as well as an area for gardening in which to store gardening tools. A 7,500 square foot community workshop building is planned at that location.
In response to a question from Commissioner Dave Gilroy, planning director Wayne Herron said the proposed addition was “straight-forward, right down the fairway.” A half dozen Bailey’s Glen residents present at the meeting also indicated their support for the rezoning.
New firetruck
Also at Monday’s meeting, the commissioners approved an $857,418 base contract to purchase a Seagrave Aerial Ladder truck for the Cornelius/Lemley Fire Department. The new truck will replace the department’s existing tiller/ladder vehicle which is over 40 years old. Delivery is expected within one year.
Pleading for the fifth
The two acknowledged candidates for town commissioner, Bruce Trimbur and Dr. Mike Miltich, spoke briefly during the public comments period, explaining why they would like to be appointed to the fifth seat on the town board. It is being vacated by John Bradford, who was elected to the N.C. House of Representatives.
Trimbur alluded to the previous boards and commissions on which he has served, as well as his brief time on the town board. “I think giving back to one’s community is very important. I really want to continue serving my home town.”
Miltich’s comments followed a similar vein. “Bruce’s service has been to the town; mine has been to my patients and profession but I too want to give back to Cornelius. I truly believe that both of the candidates before you are excellent and I really don’t envy your choice.”
The Board is expected to select the individual who will replace John Bradford at their Dec.Stepeh 15 meeting.