May 22. Churches can reopen, although the N.C. Council of Churches has called on its 6,200 congregations in 18 denominations not to reopen their sanctuaries. Click here for guidelines from the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services. Executive director Jennifer Copeland said the best way to love our neighbor right now is “by keeping our distance from them.”
Churches like Mt. Zion United Methodist, Bethel Presbyterian, Love Lake Norman and Community in Christ will continue online worship this weekend.

First Baptist’s Rev. Judge
First Baptist, on Catawba Avenue just west of downtown, will reopen with guidelines in place. Rev. David Judge, pastor of First Baptist, sent Cornelius Today this statement:
“In addition to the many standard precautions such as hand-washing, sanitizing, and social distancing, we are providing masks for anyone who wants one, encouraging our 65 and older members to stay at home, restricting congregational singing, refraining from passing the collection plate and communion trays, and dismissing people at the end of service by rows.”
He is also asking people who intend to come on Sunday to contact the church office in advance so that they can better prepare for the numbers that are estimated to attend.
First Baptist will continue to stream the entire service for those who choose to stay at home.