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Cornelius News

Christmas presents: Trees fund Fire Dept. radios

Feb. 7. By Dave Vieser. Proceeds from the sale of 458 Christmas trees in November and December will be applied towards the purchase of hand-held radios for the Cornelius Fire Department. The Town Board unanimously approved the plan when they met Monday.

The Town purchased the trees for a total of $13,065 and sold them for a grand total of $25,220. The $12,155 profit will offset the cost of the radios.

The new radios will help firefighters communicate during emergencies. “We purchased the Motorola 6000 series units for the department,” said Chief Neil Smith. “This is the new standard for fire and police since we will not be able to get parts for the old radios.”

Also at the meeting, the board:

+Unanimously proclaimed February as Black History Month and
urged all citizens to participate in this year’s celebration being held on Saturday February 24th featuring presentations from Torrence Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Hunters Chapel United Methodist Church, and Union Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.

+Approved a conditional rezoning request by Grace Covenant Church for their main campus property at 17301 Statesville Road, in order to develop a Family Life Center expansion of about 25,200 square feet. The new addition will be behind the existing church and will include a gym/stage facility with office and auditorium space for middle and high school students to gather for worship.