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Cornelius News

Charges, citations and accidents Feb. 2-9, 2015, reported by the Cornelius Police Department

Cornelius Charges, citations and accidents Feb. 2-9, 2015, reported by the Cornelius Police Department


NEWSEAL150x159Devivo, Jacqueline Ann (W F, 35) Charge of Impaired Driving D W I, M (M),
at 21222 Nautique Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Sneed, Robert James (W M, 18) Charge of Poss. Of A Controlled Substance,
M (M), at 19601 Liverpool Pky, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Tafoya, Jose Angel L (W M, 22) Charge of Poss. Of Drug Paraphernalia, M
(M), at 12111 Bailey Rd, Mecklenburg Cty, on 02/05/2015.

Mcclaskey, Noah James (W M, 17) Charge of Marijuana, M (M), at 17534
Paradise Cove Ct, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Murphy, Allicia May (W F, 25) Charge of Poss. Of Marijuana, M (M), at 19305
West Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

James, Linda Michelle (W F, 37) Charge of Assault – Simple, M (M), at 10125
Westmoreland Rd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Haines, Grayson Insley (W M, 21) Charge of Possession Of Marijuana, M (M),
at 19400 West Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Shuler, Keith Jonathan (B M, 43) Charge of Assault On A Female, M (M), at
Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Phillips, James Tyler (W M, 24) Charge of Order For Arrest, M (M), at 20400
West Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Friday, Lawrence Dewitt (B M, 35) Charge of Impaired Driving D W I, M (M),
at 19128 West Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/08/2015.

Braddock, Wesley Allan (W M, 30) Charge of Breaking & Enter-misd
(warrant), M (M), at 21440 Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/08/2015.

Jarrett, Ronald Nelson (B M, 48) Charge of Driving While License Revoked, M
(M), at 10215 Caldwell Depot Rd, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Silvia, Matthew John (W M, 20) Charge of Poss. Of Marijuana, M (M), at
19040 Victoria Bay Dr, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.


Murphy, Allicia May (W F, 25) Citation of Driving While License Revoked,
at 19299 West Catawba Ave/magnolia Estates Dr, Cornelius, on 02/02/2015.

Burrell, Clark Fritz (B M, 62) Citation of Speeding-excess Of 15 Miles
Over (150202084001), at 20011 West Catawba Ave/one Norman Blvd, Cornelius, on

Yepez, Jesus David (O M, 16) Citation of Speed Limits In School Zones
Hill, Brandon Douglas (W M, 33) Citation of Driving While License
Revoked (150202165501), at 19733 Statesville Rd, Cornelius, on 02/02/2015.

Russ, David Bradley (W M, 23) Citation of Reckless Drvg-wanton
Disregard (150202184401), at 20740 Torrence Chapel Rd, Cornelius, on

Western, Rachael Elizabeth (W F, 19) Citation of Exceeding Posted
Speed (150202205501), at 20011 West Catawba Ave/one Norman Blvd, Cornelius,
on 02/02/2015.

Cuningham, William Brandon (W M, 17) Citation of Following Too
Closely (150202212002), at 19829 West Catawba Ave/kunkleman Dr, Cornelius, on

Askew, Mariah Beth (W F, 21) Citation of Speeding, at 17823 Jetton
Rd/peninsula Club Dr N, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Mckinnon, Camerin Allgood (W F, 30) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag, at 19499 Jetton Rd/west Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Fleming, Henry Clifton (W M, 46) Citation of Operate Veh No Ins, at
20011 West Catawba Ave/one Norman Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Escalante, Sergio Garduno (H M, 43) Citation of Speed Limits In School
Zones, at  Bailey Road/bailey Springs, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Stewart, Sherrell Scott (W M, 48) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed,
at  West Catawba Ave/manhatten Pkwy, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Cathey, Clarence Jerome (W M, 60) Citation of Expired Operators
License, at 30231 S I-77 Hwy/catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Gerard, Jean Michel (W M, 52) Citation of Improper Passing On The
Right, at 21409 Catawba Ave/milling Way, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Brown, Frieda Farfour (W F, 66) Citation of Unsafe Movement/improper
Signal, at 20399 West Catawba Ave/torrence Chapel Rd, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Butler, Lawrence Justin (W M, 22) Citation of Speed Limits In School
Zones, at  Bailey Rd/old Statesville Rdi, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Stiller, Bradly Kendal (W M, 56) Citation of Improper Brakes, at 8200
Magnolia Estates Dr/west Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Stiller, Bradly Kendal (W M, 56) Citation of Hit/run Fail Stop Prop
Damage, at 8200 Magnolia Estates Dr/west Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on

Sneed, Robert James (W M, 18) Citation of Poss Marijuana >1/2 To 1
1/2 Oz, at 19601 Liverpool Pky, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Sneed, Robert James (W M, 18) Citation of Poss. Malt Beverage
Underage, at 19601 Liverpool Pky, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Morales, Heather Weaver (W F, 36) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag, at 20399 West Catawba Ave/torrence Chapel Rd, Cornelius, on

Hurley, Devin Antonio (O M, 21) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag, at 16811 Kenton Dr/west Kenton Cir, Huntersville, on 02/04/2015.

Devivo, Jacqueline Ann (W F, 35) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag, at 21000 Nautique Blvd/knox Rd, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Devivo, Jacqueline Ann (W F, 35) Citation of Impaired Driving D W I, at
21000 Nautique Blvd/knox Rd, Cornelius, on 02/04/2015.

Johnson, Antonio Loped (B M, 23) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed,
at 19751 Statesville Rd/catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/05/2015.

Archer, Carol Anne (B F, 49) Citation of Speeding-excess Of 15 Miles
Over, at 20011 West Catawba Ave/one Norman Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/05/2015.

Gustafson, Karen Ann (W F, 40) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed, at
19415 S Main St/washam Potts Rd, Cornelius, on 02/05/2015.

Stamey, Teddie Rhodes (W F, 59) Citation of Fail To Stop Steady Red
Light, at 7900 Sam Furr Rd/west Catawba Ave, Huntersville, on 02/05/2015.

Ceronmaza, Edgar Antonio (O M, 18) Citation of Speed Limits In School
Zones, at 12449 Bailey Rd/bailey Springs Dr, Cornelius, on 02/05/2015.

Tafoya, Jose Angel L (H M, 22) Citation of Poss. Of Drug Paraphernalia,
at 12449 Bailey Rd/bailey Springs Dr, Cornelius, on 02/05/2015.

Spencer, James Jonathan (W M, 28) Citation of Speed Limits In School
Zones, at 12110 Bailey Rd/baileys Glenn Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/05/2015.

Ramirez, Raul Jardon (H M, 43) Citation of Speed Limits In School
Zones, at 12110 Bailey Rd/baileys Glenn Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Ramirez, Raul Jardon (H M, 43) Citation of Expired Operators License, at
12110 Bailey Rd/baileys Glenn Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Jenkins, Trivanti William A (B M, 30) Citation of Failure To Reduce
Speed (150206071701), at 19733 Statesville Rd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Sliney, Susan Pope (W F, 45) Citation of Speed Limits In School Zones,
at 12110 Bailey Rd/baileys Glenn Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Powell, Alan Reid (W M, 21) Citation of Driving While License Revoked,
at  Torrence Chap/west Cata, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Darnell, Emily Ward (W F, 26) Citation of Driving While License
Revoked, at 18799 Square Sail Rd/jetton Rd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Darnell, Emily Ward (W F, 26) Citation of Stop Sign Violation, at 18799
Square Sail Rd/jetton Rd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Eller, Mary Weber (W F, 52) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed, at
17499 Jetton Rd/peninsula Point Dr, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Farrell, Margaret Kaye (W F, 61) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed, at
19119 Jetton Rd/charles Towne Ln, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Dodd, Jennifer Leigh (W F, 45) Citation of Expired Registration Card/tag
(150206163701), at 9351 Westmoreland Rd/statesville Rd, Cornelius, on

Bailey, Donald G. (W M, 42) Citation of Fail To Wear Seat Belt Driver
(150206170101), at 20011 West Catawba Ave/one Norman Blvd, Cornelius, on

Bryan, Janna Lea (W F, 35) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed, at
19749 West Catawba Ave/manhatten Pky, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Mullis, Stephanie Paige (W F, 28) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag (150206171701), at 20311 West Catawba Ave/liverpool Pky, Cornelius, on

Haines, Grayson Insley (W M, 21) Citation of Driving While License
Revoked (150206220501), at 19899 West Catawba Ave/knox Rd, Cornelius, on

Haines, Grayson Insley (W M, 21) Citation of Flashing Red Light
(150206220501), at 19899 West Catawba Ave/knox Rd, Cornelius, on 02/06/2015.

Logano, Brittany Lynn (W F, 23) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed
(15020622401), at 19699 West Catawba Ave/bethel Church Rd, Cornelius, on

Haines, Grayson Insley (W M, 21) Citation of Poss Marijuana >1/2 To 1
1/2 Oz (150206220501), at 19899 West Catawba Ave/knox Rd, Cornelius, on

Haines, Grayson Insley (W M, 21) Citation of Poss. Of Drug
Paraphernalia (150206220501), at 19899 West Catawba Ave/knox Rd, Cornelius, on

Williamson, Kevin Obrian (B M, 25) Citation of Speeding-excess Of 15
Miles Over (150206235301), at 27851 N I-77 Hwy/westmoreland Rd, Mecklenburg
Cty, on 02/06/2015.

Steffens, William Charles (W M, 50) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed
(150207095901), at 17823 Jetton Rd/peninsula Club Dr N, Cornelius, on

Testa, Douglas Ralph (W M, 56) Citation of Speeding-excess Of 15 Miles
Over (150207133230), at 19501 Statesville Rd, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Montero, Mario Augusto (H M, 35) Citation of No Operator License
(150207134601), at 9847 Bailey Rd/washam Potts Rd, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Montero, Mario Augusto (H M, 35) Citation of Display Fictitious Tag
(150207134601), at 9847 Bailey Rd/washam Potts Rd, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Montero, Mario Augusto (H M, 35) Citation of Without Having Registered
The Vehicle (150207134601), at 9847 Bailey Rd/washam Potts Rd, Cornelius, on

Harris, Jatavia Denise (B F, 30) Citation of No Operator License, at
20209 West Catawba Ave/chance St, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Rubenstein, Mark Copeland (W M, 31) Citation of Fail To Stop Steady
Red Light (150207184901), at 20311 West Catawba Ave/liverpool Pky, Cornelius, on

Kacan, Elena Deniz (W F, 22) Citation of Speeding, at 19501 Statesville
Rd, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Gryder, Nikki Michelle (W F, 21) Citation of No Operator License, at
20655 Catawba Ave/holiday Ln, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Mills, Madelyn Spencer (W F, 19) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed
(150207233101), at  W Catawba Ave/one Norman Blvd, Cornelius, on 02/07/2015.

Phillips, James Tyler (W M, 24) Citation of Driving While License
Revoked (150207235001), at 20311 West Catawba Ave/liverpool Pky, Cornelius, on

Friday, Lawrence Dewitt (B M, 35) Citation of Fail To Comply With Ncdl
License Restricitions, at 19099 West Catawba Ave/harbor View Dr, Cornelius, on

Friday, Lawrence Dewitt (B M, 35) Citation of Speeding, at 19099 West
Catawba Ave/harbor View Dr, Cornelius, on 02/08/2015.

Friday, Lawrence Dewitt (B M, 35) Citation of Impaired Driving D W I, at
19099 West Catawba Ave/harbor View Dr, Cornelius, on 02/08/2015.

Thompson, Matthew Alan (W M, 22) Citation of Operate Veh No Ins, at
20544 Torrence Chapel Rd/west Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/08/2015.

Taylor, Carmen Elizabeth (W F, 33) Citation of Expired/no Inspection
(150208230901), at 27899 S I-77 Hwy/westmoreland Rd, Mecklenburg Cty, on

Taylor, Carmen Elizabeth (W F, 33) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag (150208230901), at 27899 S I-77 Hwy/westmoreland Rd, Mecklenburg
Cty, on 02/08/2015.

Arroyo-moreno, Oscar Moreno (W M, 49) Citation of No Operator
License, at 19741 Meridian St/catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Johnson, Jeffrey Scott (W M, 48) Citation of Speed Limits In School
Zones, at  Bailey Road/bailey Springs, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Wonderly, Jessica Jannae (W F, 31) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed,
at 18899 West Catawba Ave/nantz Rd, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Orshaw, Olga (O F, 35) Citation of Expired Registration Card/tag, at 
W.catawba Ave./kings Point Dr, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Bonnes, Marshall (W M, 52) Citation of Fail To Obey Traffic Control
Devices, at 9351 Westmoreland Rd/statesville Rd, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Heaney, Christopher James (W M, 37) Citation of Operate Veh No Ins,
at 20399 West Catawba Ave/torrence Chapel Rd, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Hebard, Mark Clifford (W M, 39) Citation of Exceeding Posted Speed, at
8111 Sam Furr Rd/kenton Dr, Huntersville, on 02/09/2015.

Lecras, Francois Michel (W M, 55) Citation of Flashing Red Light, at
21399 Hickory St/oak St, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Edwards, Hannah Elizabeth (W F, 23) Citation of Speeding-excess Of 15
Miles Over, at 20011 West Catawba Ave/one Norman Blvd, Cornelius, on

Walters, Joshua Allen (W M, 35) Citation of Speeding-excess Of 15 Miles
Over, at 19415 S Main St/washam Potts Rd, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Autry, Eleanor Gamble (W F, 67) Citation of Fail To Obey Traffic Control
Devices, at 20655 Catawba Ave/statesville Rd, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Yaeger, Catherine Murray (W F, 43) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag, at  Jetton Road/greentree Way, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Mcpherson, Laura Griffin (W F, 49) Citation of Speeding-excess Of 15
Miles Over, at 20399 West Catawba Ave/torrence Chapel Rd, Cornelius, on

Alire, Federico Emanuel (H M, 24) Citation of Fail To Wear Seat Belt
Driver, at 19499 Jetton Rd/west Catawba Ave, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.

Rainey, Shelley Shaklee (W F, 41) Citation of Expired Registration
Card/tag, at  W.catawba Ave./jetton Rd, Cornelius, on 02/09/2015.


On 02/02/2015 at 1709, an accident occurred on TORRENCE CHAPEL RD at OLD
TORRENCE CHAPEL RD.  Accident involving: Kenneth Lee Arrowsmith, Nicos Carmel

On 02/03/2015 at 2103, an accident occurred on ROSALYN GLEN RD at
WESTMORELAND LAKE DR.  Accident involving:   Unknown

On 02/04/2015 at 1057, an accident occurred on I-77 SOUTH OFF RAMP at WEST
CATAWBA AVE.  Accident involving: Clarence Jerome Cathey, Michelle Karen

On 02/04/2015 at 1334, an accident occurred on JETTON RD at WEST CATAWBA
AVE.  Accident involving: Krystal Latoshia Jennings, David Lee Flanary

On 02/04/2015 at 1428, an accident occurred on 8311-8 MAGNOLIA ESTATES DR
PVA at MAGNOLIA ESTATES DR.  Accident involving: Driverless Motor Vehicle,
Parked Motor Vehicle

On 02/06/2015 at 0716, an accident occurred on STATESVILLE RD at CATAWBA
AVE.  Accident involving: Trivanti William A Jenkins, Christopher Allen York

On 02/06/2015 at 1922, an accident occurred on BAILEY RD at WASHAM POTTS RD. 
Accident involving: Beth Anne Homyak, Robin Michelle Mcconnell

On 02/07/2015 at 1526, an accident occurred on 20510 N. MAIN ST at N. MAIN ST. 
Accident involving: Duane Todd Bruch, Parked Motor Vehicle