Oct. 13. Following the lead of the town boards in Huntersville and Cornelius, the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce has come out against the $922 million Charlotte Mecklenburg School bond proposal.
“The rubric used to determine school priority and the analysis of what defines classroom overcrowding does not address either the current or ongoing needs of our North Mecklenburg communities and students,” the chamber said in a written statement.
The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce has a history of advocating for local elementary and secondary educational systems, the foundation for economic development and growth.
The problem with the bond proposal, though, is that it has no monies for new schools in North Mecklenburg.
The $922 million Bond would fund 29 school building projects—10 new schools, seven replacement schools, and 12 major renovations/additions—but not in North Meck.
“With that in mind, while the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors encourages multiple lines of thinking when it comes to financing our ongoing and growing educational infrastructure and physical plant needs, we are opposed to the current $922MM bond referendum before the voters in Mecklenburg County this November,” the chamber said.