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Cornelius News

Calling all book readers (listening is OK, too)

Feb. 8. For 2023, ReadDavidson is joining forces to support and enhance the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s Community Read initiative.

This partnership aims to encourage the Davidson community to read or listen to — the book, talk about it, attend library programs and celebrate the love of reading.

ReadDavidson is a town-wide initiative organized by a group of avid readers, Main Street Books, the Davidson Public Library and the Town of Davidson.

Since 2007, books have been chosen annually, and book-related events have been planned to make each book come to life.

Four book events in Davidson are planned for March, with registration open now on the  town’s website.

The book selections this year are The People We Keep by Allison Larkin, adult fiction; The Edge of Anything by Nora Shalaway Carpenter, young adult fiction; Front Desk by Kelly Yang, middle grades; The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates, children’s book.

Anyone can participate

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s program Community Read returns in  March with a focus on creating community dialogue around themes of friendship. Community Read is the library system’s month-long effort to have the community read (or listen) to books of current and relevant topics and participate in discussions, book clubs and events hosted by the library and community partners.

The county will host Allison Larkin, author of The People We Keep, on March 21.