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Cornelius News

But will leaves wait?

Nov. 3. The start of Cornelius’ leaf vacuuming program, scheduled for this week, will be delayed for several more days, while public works employees continue to clean up debris from several recent storms.

“We were hit pretty hard last week and we had many trees come down on town streets,” said Mayor Woody Washam. “The town crews are working to remove the debris but it will be several more days before we can get the vacuuming program underway at full strength.” Estimates are that more than two dozen trees came down because of Zeta.

Washam commended the town employees for their work in getting the debris cleared as soon as they did. “Safety is always our top priority and they are doing a great job.”

Once it begins, the vacuuming program will have town equipment circulating throughout Cornelius on town roads every few weeks until the end of the year picking up the leaves that collect near curbs.