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Cornelius News

Back to school FAQs

U.S. Air Force Graphic by Rosario ‘Charo’ Gutierrez

July 16. Will students and teachers need to be tested for COVID-19 before they come back to school?

No, according to the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services. Schools are required to conduct symptom screenings, including temperature checks, of any person entering a school building or school transportation vehicle including students, teachers, staff, family members and other visitors.

It’s all outlined in the StrongSchoolsNC Public Health Toolkit (K-12). Rules, regulations and guidance also apply to charter schools, regional schools, and lab schools.

If you’re concerned about how schools will be kept sanitary, there are guidelines for that as well, including hand sanitizer at every building entrance and exit, in the cafeteria and in every classroom.

Click here for the FAQ on back-to-school in NC in the midst of COVID-19.

Additional requirements and recommendations to reopen include:

—Requiring face coverings for all teachers and students K-12

—Limiting the total number of students, staff and visitors within a school building to ensure 6 feet distance can be maintained when students/staff will be stationary

—Conducting symptom screening, including temperature checks

—Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in the school and transportation vehicles regularly

—Discontinue activities that bring together large groups