The Aktion Club of Lake Norman
Oct. 9. The Kiwanis Aktion Club of Lake Norman has received the Most Committed Club of the Year award from the Arc of Mecklenburg County, a non-profit that serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The award was presented by Steve McIlwaine, a program assistant at Arc, at the regular September meeting. The Aktion club is composed of special needs adults, 18 years of age or older, who conduct programs and projects to better themselves and their community.
Also receiving recognition was Club Advisor and Lake Norman Chamber President Bill Russell who was selected as the Kiwanis Advisor of the Year. Russell, a member of the Lake Norman Kiwanis Club, has served as the Club Advisor since 2006.
ARC also helps families by identifying needs, developing programs and providing resources, to promote and support independent and productive citizens within our community.
The club is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Lake Norman. For more information about the Aktion Club, contact club advisor Bill Russell at the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce at 704-892-1922 or email him at russell@lakenorman.org.
Caption: The Lake Norman Kiwanis Aktion Club received special honors from the Mecklenburg County ARC. Photo courtesy of Bill Russell – Kiwanis Aktion Club.