Aug. 18. By Dave Vieser. An informal agreement among Cornelius commissioners has apparently been reached which will permit those with concealed carry permits to possess firearms on town property. A public discussion on the proposal is scheduled for Monday September 21 during the regularly scheduled Town Board meeting.
Indications that a deal had been struck surfaced at the beginning of the Monday Aug. 17 Town Board Meeting when Commissioner Jim Duke asked that the concealed carry issue be added to the evening’s agenda, stating that he believed a consensus had been achieved “so lets get this issue behind us tonight.”
While Commissioner Denis Bilodeau agreed, others on the board did not. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” said Commissioner Mike Miltich. “We had several people at the first meeting show up and we specifically told them we would revisit this issue in September. They will feel like we pulled a bait and switch if we vote on it now.”
Commissioners Sisson and Ross concurred and Duke’s proposal did not pass.
The issue initially arose in June as the commissioners were looking to clarify existing codes and ordinances. At that time, Duke expressed some concern about allowing weapons in certain town properties while Commissioners Miltich and Sisson supported that right. Sources indicate that Duke now agrees with Miltich and Sisson on allowing the public with permits to carry concealed weapons on town property.