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Cornelius News

Absentee ballots leaning to Cooper

featured_MccroryCooperNov. 15. With 10 counties reporting absentee vote totals, Roy Cooper’s margin over Gov. Pat McCrory has grown. After the first day of counting late absentee votes, Cooper gained 408 votes over McCrory, building his lead to 5,387 votes. Cooper is actually seeing stronger margins from absentee ballots counted after election day.

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Cooper % post E-Day Abs: The percentage of the support Cooper received in absentee ballots counted after Election Day.

Cooper % E-Day Abs: The percentage of the support Cooper received in absentee ballots counted before or on Election Day.

In a press release sent out by Cooper’s campaign team, they said Cooper’s lead is widening. “With every day we are more confident that Cooper’s election night victory will be confirmed after the final vote canvass on Friday. It’s disappointing to see Gov. McCrory make false attacks against his own appointees and seek to undermine election results as our victory becomes more clear. We hope that he will respect the will of the voters and the integrity of our election process which has been overseen by a Republican-controlled Board of Elections,” said Cooper for NC Campaign Manager Trey Nix.