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Cornelius News

A personal message from our mayor…


March 30. UPDATED. “This weekend has been a challenge related to our lake and even our parks. It is so critical that everyone strictly abide by the county order, particularly related to group size and social distancing. I would encourage those observing abuses to report this immediately to 311 or 911. It is critical that we abide strictly by this order. No exceptions.”

—Mayor Woody Washam

The mayor went on to say that it is essential that we follow social distance guidelines and maintain the six foot distance.

“The more we stay at home the more lives we save and the sooner we can get back to our normal day-to-day lives,” he said.

At this time, the lake, parks and greenways remain open. Restrooms and playgrounds at all parks are closed and there are restrictions on group activities that we all need to follow.