April 17. Three Cornelius churches are setting aside denominational differences to reflect on the somberness of the Crucifixion at a joint Maundy Thursday service April 18 at LIFE Fellowship Church, 20010 Chartown Drive. It begins at 7 pm.
Maundy Thursday is believed to be the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover with the disciples and washed their feet.
Bethel Presbyterian, a Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians church, LIFE Fellowship, a non-denominational church located alongside I-77, and Church of the Good Shephard, an Anglican Church meeting at the Cornelius YMCA, are holding a combined “Tenebrae” service on Maundy Thursday—April 18 at 7 pm at LIFE.
Tenebrae, which means “darkness” or “shadows,” has been practiced by the church since medieval times during Holy Week.
A join announcement from the three churches says readings Thursday evening will trace the story of Christ’s passion. Music will portray his pathos, while silence and darkness will suggest the drama of event. “As lights are extinguished, congregants will ponder the depth of Christ’s suffering and death. As the candles are extinguished, we are brought into the reality that our sin has separated us from Almighty God. The service leaves congregants reflecting on Christ’s death but also eagerly awaiting the celebration of his Resurrection on Easter Sunday,” the press release said.
The special service is open to the community.