The three mayors of North Mecklenburg will field questions from the audience at the Newsmakers Breakfast Feb. 22 at The Peninsula Club.
The mayors—Woody Washam in Cornelius, Rusty Knox in Davidson and John Aneralla in Huntersville—show signs of cooperating on issues ranging from development to affordable housing, from I-77 to education. Their opinions, especially when they are in concert, are heard loud and clear by political leaders in Raleigh and Charlotte.
Newsmakers Breakfasts are open-forum Q&As, driven by current issues and news around us. Anyone can ask a question.
Doors open at 7:15 a.m. for networking. The buffet-style breakfast gets under way at 7:30 a.m. The Q&A begins at 8 a.m. and concludes at 9 a.m. The cost to attend, $12, includes a full country breakfast.
Reservations are required. RSVP at 704-895-1335 with Visa or MasterCard.
McIntosh Law Firm is the Presenting Sponsor, The Breakfast Sponsors are Realtor Dixie Dean and Raymer Kepner Funeral Home. Coffee Sponsors are Davidson Wealth Management, G Brokerage and Charlotte Insurance.