Using Johns Hopkins data, we compiled a chart of North Carolina’s new confirmed COVID-19 from July 10 through Aug. 9. The median number of cases statewide since July 10 is 1,849. The state’s median over the past 7 days is lower at 1,535
Aug. 10. Today’s COVID-19 update has been delayed, according to the NCDHHS. We’re posting our tracking of the median number of new COVID-19 cases over the past month vs. the past week, based on current data through yesterday from Johns Hopkins University.
The median number of daily new cases over the past week is encouraging. The state’s median number of daily new cases—1,535 over the past week—is 17 percent lower than the daily median of 1,849 over the past month.
New cases statewide are still in the thousands; the numbers are just climbing at a lower rate. Total hospitalizations are also encouraging: Down 20 on Sunday to 1,109.
We’ll post today’s NCDHHS data after it comes in. It is typically posted here each day at noon.