Using Johns Hopkins data, Cornelius Today compiled a chart of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NC per day from June 9 through July 9. The state’s average number of new daily cases since June 9 is 1,392, the median is 1,419. The past 7-day average and median are slightly higher, at 1,634 and 1,515, respectively
July 10. By Dave Yochum. The rate of growth of the coronavirus in Mecklenburg County—which has been slowing down—went in the wrong direction overnight with 400 new cases being reported by the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services.
The total since the pandemic began in North Carolina now sits at 14,157 in Mecklenburg and 81,331 statewide—up 1,982 cases since yesterday’s NCDHHS report.
Deaths statewide rose 18 to 1,479 since the first cases of the coronavirus were identified here in March. Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 also increased to a new high: 1,046, according to NCDHHS. That’s up from 1,034 yesterday and up from 901 from July 1.
More than 1.15 million tests have been administered, with about 10 percent coming back positive in the past week.
The total number of new cases in Mecklenburg remains the highest in North Carolina, representing 17.1 percent of state-wide cases per day. Mecklenburg has less than 10 percent of the state’s population.
Medians tell a story
The median number of new cases in Mecklenburg over the past seven days was 268, according to yesterday’s data from Johns Hopkins University, one less than the median number of new cases per day during the past month.
That said, today’s 400 case increase was the second-highest daily increase so far. July 3, at 403, was the highest.
In Cornelius, the total number of cases now stands at 207, up from 199 yesterday. There have been 107 cases in Davidson, up four from yesterday, and 315 in Huntersville.
Gov. Roy Cooper said he is consulting with his public health team and others about exactly how to send 1.5 million children in kindergarten through 12th grade back to school next month. The decision will be announced next week.
A study released by the Century Foundation says North Carolina workers will experience a 71 percent decline in UI payments beginning July 26 when the $600 weekly federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program ends.